Berimbau Play Along samples
The best way to learn the berimbau is to play while listening to some form of feedback. Here’s a playlist with berimbau backing tracks to play along to.
The best way to learn the berimbau is to play while listening to some form of feedback. Here’s a playlist with berimbau backing tracks to play along to.
Four years ago today I released my blog. Time to celebrate!
This is the last post in a mini series of 3. I already reviewed Mestre Nenel’s private berimbau classes and Mestre Negoativo’s study group. Today I’d like to talk about the Músicapoeira course by Mestre Ferradura.
This is the second post in a mini series of 3. Today I am going to talk about the study group of Mestre Negoativo. In the first article I reviewed Mestre Nenel’s private berimbau classes.
During the summer I followed 3 different online music classes. In this mini series I’m sharing my experiences with all three courses. In this article, I’m reviewing Mestre Nenel’s classes.
I just discovered DrumAp, a mobile app which allows anyone to create percussion rhythms on the fly, without having to know how to write music.
That has been my philosophy in capoeira for a long time. In other words, I believe that to be able to successfully practice capoeira for decades you shouldn’t give yourself 100% all the time.
Most groups use a title for someone who is on the path of becoming a mestre, but hasn’t formally been recognized as one yet. Titles commonly used are Contramestre and Mestrando. What is the difference? And how do you spell Contramestre?
If one book can be regarded as the capoeira bible, it is Waldeloir Rego’s work from 1968 titled Capoeira Angola: Ensaio Sócio-Etnográfico. And I found a free downloadable PDF!
I decided to create a list of capoeira song lyrics which every capoeira should know. It’s far from a complete catalog but rather a starting point to help you get started in the music of capoeira.
We now have a capoeira server on Discord! It’s a great place to discuss everything that’s related to capoeira. Keep reading for an invite link and join us!
Since the lockdowns started a new trend has emerged on social media: doing your own bateria!
Paraná Ê is the most recognizable capoeira song, and we’ve all sung it hundreds of times. But where does it come from and who wrote it? Even though we’ll never know for sure, there are some possibilities.
With all the COVID-19 craziness, a lot of public activities are being cancelled, including sports classes. So instead of just sitting at home, offer your students some remote classes.
Encontros Femininos or women’s events have been popular for some years in capoeira. There are several formulas that exist and each has its up- and downsides
Don’t you hate how capoeira t-shirts are mostly either of inferior quality or just aren’t pretty? Well, then you should check out the Capoeira Pop-up Shop.
One of the hardest things in a (Benguela) roda for beginning students is to keep moving. A lot of people don’t know what to do and as a result, they only ginga with a few movements here and there.
A while ago I worked on some classes to help my students overcome this very problem. Now I’d like to share my ideas with more people, hence this post!
A charanga is a bateria in the traditional Capoeira Regional style, consisting of 2 pandeiros and a berimbau.
So I got married recently and had a really cool accessory I wanted share with you! I opted for a tailored suit (never owned one before) and chose a shirt with cufflinks instead of buttons. I wanted something original and personal but couldn’t figure what, until I thought of cufflinks in the shape of a… Continue reading Berimbau cufflinks
… and I am talking to you, teachers! At the start of each new capoeira season (that’s September for us, after the summer break), my co-trainer and I have a meeting where we discuss our plans for the upcoming season. Topics are: when are we starting, do we need policy changes, are we going to… Continue reading There’s always something to improve