So I got married recently and had a really cool accessory I wanted share with you! I opted for a tailored suit (never owned one before) and chose a shirt with cufflinks instead of buttons.
I wanted something original and personal but couldn’t figure what, until I thought of cufflinks in the shape of a berimbau or pandeiro. So I started my quest on the internet but as it turns out they’re not easy to come by. The few “custom made” options I found were either too expensive (with shipping being almost twice the price of the product) or of poor quality.
I almost gave up and started looking for something else (maybe a pair of cufflinks in the shape of a direwolf?) when I suddenly thought of one shop which makes capoeira trophies and accessories. I quickly browsed to Bateriando‘s website and found out they make jewelry. Even though there wasn’t anything on their website similar to cufflinks I decided to email them anyways.
Just a day later, I got a response from Passarinho saying he could make me a pair and attached a picture as an example. The next day I replied him enthusiastically and less then two weeks later, I received a nicely wrapped package containing my two unique cufflinks.
Check them out! The caxixis even move!
I love them and at the wedding I was so proud I showed them off to all our capoeira guests! It was a really personal touch and Passarinho did a great job.
If you are looking for some jewelry, accessories or instruments I strongly suggest checking out (I think they recently changed their name). They are based in Budapest, Hungary and ship to pretty much anywhere. Communication by e-mail was very quick and professional.
I hope I get invited to someone else’s wedding soon so I can wear them again!
— Vinho
Exactly my husband did not get the chance to wear custom cufflinks after the marriage wow thank you for sharing your views.