The purpose of this blog
In short, this blog is about capoeira. As I explained a long time ago in my first post, I want this blog to be relatable, honest and useful for others. There are plenty of academic papers to be found online but few capoeiristas share their practical knowledge and experience. And that is exactly the purpose of this blog: to fill that gap and provide you with practical information. Therefore, the majority of posts will be about simple things: stuff that I learned during class or that I figured out myself along the way, advice I received from other people, useful information I found online or things I had to learn the hard way. And sometimes there will be posts about more sensitive subjects like personal experiences, politics and ethics in capoeira. In those posts I aim to share my honest and personal opinion. Chances are not everybody will agree with what I write, and I hope that will open a door for conversation.
Group agnostic
When I created the blog, I decided to make it group agnostic. Therefore you won’t find (m)any explicit references to the capoeira group I belong to. I chose this approach for two reasons: my views don”t necessarily reflect my group’s views and vice versa. And secondly, by writing in general terms I hope to make the content relevant for the whole capoeira community and not just the people that identify with the group or the style I am part of.
About the author
I am Vinho, a male capoeirista in his thirties, living in Belgium. I gathered over 20 years of experience in the art and culture of capoeira. During those years I have learned Portuguese, traveled to more than 10 countries (including Brazil), done research, and met a lot of interesting people while visiting events. My roots are in Capoeira Contemporânea (which I still practice today) but I love the modern Capoeira Angola that is played with a faster pace. I’ve also been teaching and running an academy with one of my best friends for several years.
If you would like to get to know me or have suggestions for this blog, leave a comment below or send a message and I’ll get back to you.
I am also available to teach or speak at events, feel free to reach out if you are interested.
Great blog! Please keep it on!
Thanks! I try to post one article every 4 to 6 weeks.
If you have suggestions for a topic, you can always let me know.
Hey, I found your blog while I was seeking a song and then I read almost all posts. I want to read more, please continue to write!
Great to hear that you found the articles interesting! I have several topics I’m working on, so you can expect something new once in a while.
Thank you so much Mestre! I have been searching for Berimbau variations online as I need to learn on my personal practice besides our Capoeira class. It’s a good referrence to have. Thank you again, Muito Axé!
Thank you for your comment, it’s fantastic to hear that people actually find the blog helpful. That means I am reaching my goal 🙂
I am far from a Mestre though, that’ll probably take me another twenty years 😉