Capoeira Angola: Ensaio Sócio-Etnográfico – 2nd Edition
If one book can be regarded as the capoeira bible, it is Waldeloir Rego’s work from 1968 titled Capoeira Angola: Ensaio Sócio-Etnográfico. And I found a free downloadable PDF!
If one book can be regarded as the capoeira bible, it is Waldeloir Rego’s work from 1968 titled Capoeira Angola: Ensaio Sócio-Etnográfico. And I found a free downloadable PDF!
We now have a capoeira server on Discord! It’s a great place to discuss everything that’s related to capoeira. Keep reading for an invite link and join us!
With all the COVID-19 craziness, a lot of public activities are being cancelled, including sports classes. So instead of just sitting at home, offer your students some remote classes.
Encontros Femininos or women’s events have been popular for some years in capoeira. There are several formulas that exist and each has its up- and downsides
Don’t you hate how capoeira t-shirts are mostly either of inferior quality or just aren’t pretty? Well, then you should check out the Capoeira Pop-up Shop.
One of the hardest things in a (Benguela) roda for beginning students is to keep moving. A lot of people don’t know what to do and as a result, they only ginga with a few movements here and there.
A while ago I worked on some classes to help my students overcome this very problem. Now I’d like to share my ideas with more people, hence this post!
So I got married recently and had a really cool accessory I wanted share with you! I opted for a tailored suit (never owned one before) and chose a shirt with cufflinks instead of buttons. I wanted something original and personal but couldn’t figure what, until I thought of cufflinks in the shape of a… Continue reading Berimbau cufflinks
… and I am talking to you, teachers! At the start of each new capoeira season (that’s September for us, after the summer break), my co-trainer and I have a meeting where we discuss our plans for the upcoming season. Topics are: when are we starting, do we need policy changes, are we going to… Continue reading There’s always something to improve
I want to share this awesome Facebook page with you. The page is called “Batizado and Capoeira Memes” and it’s just incredibly hilarious! I literally almost fell of my chair laughing!
This is the last post in the book collection series, previously I shared a comprehensive list of English books related to capoeira. In the second part, I created a list of Portuguese books on capoeira. Now in this final article I am listing all other written material I have collected over the years.
A while ago I posted an extensive list of English books about capoeira. Now that I’ve found the time I also listed all Portuguese books on capoeira. References are hard to find and buying one online is even harder. I assume there are still a lot of books missing from the list, but this should get you a long way.
I am introducing a new challenge: #capoeirawardrobe! Post a picture of your complete wardrobe and your favorite piece. Tag 3 friends to do the same!
Teaching capoeira isn’t about showing of what you can. It is about preparation and making sure your students come in contact with all the necessary aspects of capoeira. Preparing a class takes time, even more for novice teachers. I’d like to share my method as a guide to help other teachers out there.
Today I am sharing a list of podcasts and vlogs which are maintained by capoeiristas. There are some interesting streams out there, where both students and mestres share their thoughts and experiences. It’s a great way to stay connected with the community.
I decided to create a list of books that discuss capoeira is some way or are related to capoeira. In this first post I am listing all books written in English. The list is ordered alphabetically. For every book I added an indication of the minimum level of experience that is required to fully understand a book.
In my previous post I concluded that I had to think about where I’m going in capoeira. Today I’d like to share what has been going around in my head. I know I am not the only one dealing with this problem, so I hope some of you can relate to my thoughts as they are difficult to put into words.
I’ve always been a very lucky capoeirista: until about a year ago I’d only had 1 major injury due to capoeira. Back in 2009 the ligaments around my ankle got torn, but I recovered completely and never had any problems with my ankle after it healed. A little over a year ago I got a… Continue reading Do I have an expiration date?
CapoeiraGens is a website where you can browse the lineage of hundreds of capoeira Mestres to learn about their mentors and students.
What is the secret to learn a lot of capoeira songs? Improvisation and creativity! And quadras populares can help you with that. Keep reading for some tips!
I found a rhythmic notation system for capoeira instruments and it’s awesome. The Só Ritmo system allows you to invent your own rhythms and share them.